We aim to make your life simpler, and worry free
Changing your accountant is a bit like changing banks. You may be unhappy with your existing provider and see few benefits in terms of value for money and quality of advice perhaps? Alternatively maybe your business has grown and your current accountant doesn’t offer the level of advice you need to further expand? Whatever your circumstances, don’t stay put simply because you think moving accountants will be a hassle and mean a lot of inconvenience. This is not the case and should not prevent you from appointing a more proactive accountant like Shaikh & Co.
Not sure about switching?
Moving to our new service is really easy. Just tell us the name of your accountant if you have one, and any accounting or bookkeeping services you already use, and we’ll take care of the rest. We can usually sort all the details and have your new service up and running in less than 30 days.
Shaikh & Co can make it simple to change your accountant. Because you are a busy person we will make the whole process quick and pain free allowing you to concentrate on what is important for building your business.
Making first contact
As you are already browsing our website, the easiest way is to click here, Contact Us and provide a few basic details so that we can get in touch with you at a convenient date and time. We will then call you to establish some key facts about the issues you are facing and to organise an initial meeting, where a partner or senior member of staff will be pleased to talk to you. You are welcome to come to our offices for this meeting, or we are happy to visit you, whichever you would prefer.
How do I tell my current accountant?
If you wish to change accountants then it is a simple process. You are probably wondering how you are going to break the news to your previous accountant, but we will help you to do this as we have to follow some professional courtesies. Once you have informed them of your intended change, we then write to your previous accountant and organise an efficient transfer of documents and send you all the necessary documents to simply sign and return to us. This is generally a formality as all accountants and professional bodies are already familiar with the system, and your outgoing accountant will usually provide us with any relevant information about your affairs to make the changeover as smooth and as straightforward a process as possible for you. Your previous accountant should not charge you for handing the information over to us, unless you already have an outstanding account with him, in which case he will ask for payment in full before sending us your paperwork.
Who will look after my affairs?
EEvery client is assigned a client liaison partner who will oversee the provision of services and advice given to you. That partner will usually be present at the initial meeting, although you may find you are also introduced to additional partners, as your needs may dictate the specialist skills of someone else within Shaikh & Co.
How do you charge for your services?
At the outset, we will explain how we charge for our services, and we will pre-quote a fixed fee.
Do I need any references to become a client?
If you are already in business, we will ask you to let us have a copy of your most recent Accounts. Additionally, under current legislation, we are obliged to obtain proof of your identity, this process will be fully explained to you at the initial meeting.
Next Step:
Please contact us if you need further advice, have any questions about our services, would like a free consultation or a fixed fee quote.