Working too hard for too little money ! Want to implement a change for the better!

“Using our skills with numbers we help you understand different pricing points and identify a strategy that will maximise your profits.”

Pricing is difficult. Most small businesses price on emotion and gut feel, with one eye over their shoulder at what competitors are doing.

Do you know your costs…and are you using that info to price & manage effectively? 
Many businesses do not have accurate costing info for their products or services …especially when it comes to understanding and allocating overhead or indirect costs.
They’re making pricing decisions without taking into consideration all their costs…and then they wonder why, at the end of the year, they haven’t made a profit.   Our profit is something we plan for, not something we hope for. Let us work with you and calculate your costs accurately.  Then, start working on how you can get more efficient, reduce costs and improve profitability

So what is the solution?

We are the numbers experts. We work with numbers every day. And one of the key numbers in any business that we specialise in is the Price Number.

We will give you all the training and implementation support you need. Get in touch to find out more about what we do and how we do it.

“Try out some basic tools below to get a flavour”


Debt Management Tool

This is a calculator which allows you to quickly get answers to three questions:

  • How long will it take to pay off my credit card balance?
  • What if I increase the monthly repayments?
  • And how much should I be paying each month to clear the balance in a specified number of months?

The calculator instantly answers the questions, shows the results in text and charts, and allows you to experiment with different monthly payments and how quickly you wish to clear the card balance.

There is a fully working version of the calculator below to help you.